Oatmeal and Raisin Cookies!
Met David in school today! Woah! How qiao is that! He introduced me to his supplier as his student. Hahaha. Ask me about Australia. Asked me to go look for him. Haha. :) His voice is so loud. And when he saw me he practucally boomed JOAN!! Hahaha. Pleasant surprise.
CM1121 tutorial was a waste of time. But the tutor was in a really good mood, just like what YT said. Sat outside KT25 eating my HUGE cheese bun. Man, kinda felt like a pauper. Then the medicine people started streaming out from the walkway, and had to say hi to all of them. Wasn't that bad. I was very happy to see them. surprisingly. Talked to Jessica and Teresa. And Huiyu! and Joyce!
Went for lab. which was quite fun. Sharon's nice. the girl next to me is a fuggling idiot. so rude. The new muthu is damn nice! :)
Lecture was alright. Don't understand anything. But who cares. Sat with Shiyan and Wansean again.
Shumin replied. I'm so grateful to her. :)